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Savanah In Her Own Words.

On Friday April 12th Comedy 4 Cancer presents “Out Of The Hall” at Sweetwater Entertainment – 1450 South Hospital Road – Waterford Township, MI 48327. All proceeds from this show will go to Savanah Dombrowski. Here is her story in her own words. My name is Savanah Rose Dombrowski and I am 24 years old and from Clarkston, Michigan. Unexpectedly, in June of 2018, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. It all started off with me being in the hospitalRead More …
Torrin Breneman (2-26-05 to 12-15-18)

It’s hard to believe that on December 15th Torrin passed away. We have decided to go ahead with the January 26th show. This show now will be dedicated to celebrating the life of Torrin. We have already issued the family a check ahead of the show to assist with final expenses. I think we will be able to give the family even more the night of the show. The show is sold out. I had the pleasure of meeting TorrinRead More …
January 26th. All 4 Torrin

January 26th we return to the UAW Local 228 Hall for our next Comedy 4 Cancer show. The profit from this event will be donated to 13 year old Torrin Breneman and his family. This young mans story is without a doubt one of the most heartbreaking stories I have ever heard about. Here is a story from People magazine done last year about this brave young man. A 7th-grade boy is in the ICU after being diagnosed with aRead More …
A Mission Of Love And Laughter

Friday November 2nd we return for another tour of Comedy 4 Cancer. Proceeds from this event will be donated to the Pagel family. I had the pleasure of meeting a young warrior battling cancer named Maddie in August 2016. We went out to Grand Rapids to give her our Best Day Award / Gift. Since then, we have helped them out before with our Comedy 4 Cancer events. Now they needs us more then ever. All proceeds from our NovemberRead More …
Comedy 4 Cancer Presents. Mike Stanley

Mike Stanley returns to the Comedy 4 Cancer stage on Friday November 2nd. Doors open at 6PM. Showtime is 7:30PM. Mike will not be alone as he will have 2 more comedians performing with him that night. Join us for some stand up comedy, a 50/50 raffle and gift basket raffles all for a great cause. Tickets are only $15.00 in advance and $20.00 cash at the door. For advance tickets click here. More about Mike… WRY, WITTY, CUNNING, ANDRead More …