This Ones 4 You
Posted by: JD | on November 23, 2015
There is no getting over what the month of April will represent to our family for the rest of our lives. It was on April 11th 2015 that our daughter died because of cancer. Stephaine wasn't just my daughter, she was my best friend who also ended up being my hero. While April will mark one year since she left us. I wanted it to also represent what she was all about. That is love, laughter and helping others. That is also what our events are about. So I felt it was important that we launched our live event fundraisers in April. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't miss her or shed tears thinking about her. While that will probably never change. I felt it was important that we have dates that celebrate her life. The first time I did that was July 8th which would have been her 14th birthday. I hosted a family movie night at Royal Oak Beaumont Children's Hospital in her memory. It was an evening full of smiling faces and it reminded me of all the smiles Stephaine gave all of us. On April 16th this show will be dedicated to her. Because of the kind of person she was, it inspired the concept for these events. So Stephaine This Ones 4 you.
Again because of the kind of person Stephaine was she wanted to help others. Together her and I started A Mission Of love our website which is now a non profit childhood cancer charity. Because of that it has allowed me to meet some wonderful young warriors and their parents this year. Prior to all of this I didn't know one person who was named Noah. Now I know two and they both have felt the impact of childhood cancer. Together these two prove that childhood cancer has no age limit.
These little guys are not related. They're pictured together because that's what we do as childhood cancer families. We come together to support each other. Seeing these two together touches my heart. Just recently I visited both of them at the hospital except this time the roles were reversed. Big Noah was the patient and Baby Noah was visiting. Currently Baby Noah is disease free, while Big Noah is fighting cancer for a second time. Big Noah was diagnosed with a rare bone cancer Ewing's Sarcoma on his left scapula, he beat it, and now its back and in his lungs. While getting to know these brave youngsters I have gotten to know the wonderful people around them. While these parents were assisting their children in the battle against cancer. I witnessed the parents of Baby Noah Krystal and Nate Hubbard do everything they can to help raise awareness for childhood cancer and support others as well. I also witnessed Sara Gochanour the mother of Big Noah do the same thing. It's because of all that I chose these two families to receive all the profits from our debut show. When a child is battling cancer there are many hidden battles most people don't see or never hear about. There is heavy financial stress because of missing time from work to handle treatments, doctor appointments, hospital stays and at home care. All of these wonderful people are not just friends they feel like part of my family. Actually the easiest part of putting this event together was knowing I wanted to help them with it.
If you would like to read more about these brave young warriors. Visit the following links. The first is about Baby Noah written by his Mom Krystal. This is on the site her and I are doing together to raise awareness for childhood cancer all year long click here. They also have a Facebook page click here.
To read more about Big Noah and his battle with cancer click here.
Just like I said above for Stephaine. Krystal, Nate, Baby Noah, Sara and Big Noah. This ones 4 you.
For more information on our debut show and to purchase tickets click here